April 13, 2011


Sometimes it will be 4:09am and I'll think: why is it that I'm still awake?  I've given it some thought now, and I am starting to conclude that going to bed is actually a skill - a talent in which most people demonstrate an innate ability, but at which I am personally quite useless. I mean, it's 4:12am now, and I should have gone to bed many hours ago. But at the point at which even the bed-postponing activity of "messing desultorily about on the Internet" has tapered naturally to a halt, and lost its tenuous grip on whatever highly-questionable claim it may have had to justifying my sustained consciousness - even then - rather than go to bed, I have come here to write this.

That is how useless I am at going to bed.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Coming from an insomniac I would have to say 'damn straight' in regards to sleeping being a talent - and I regularly stand in awe of people who fall asleep on cue. For example my colleagues who do so as soon as the driver leaves the premises on staff buses and my students who can sleep for ten minute breaks at their desks or on the floor - a slow clap to them all.